Custom Field

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    • #109142


      Long ago you guys helped with the following code to show a dollar sign in a custom field set as text because the vendor que type text or number.

      You also helped with a code to show the same custom field in the shop page, but the dollar sign doesnt show. Can you please help me to also show the dollar sign in the shop page? Please see images attched.

      The code to show the custom field in shop page is:

      add_action(‘woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title’, function() {
      global $WCFM, $WCFMmp, $product;

      if( !$product ) return;

      $product_id = $product->get_id();

      if( $product_id ) {
      $wcfm_product_custom_fields = get_option( ‘wcfm_product_custom_fields’, array() );
      if( $wcfm_product_custom_fields && is_array( $wcfm_product_custom_fields ) && !empty( $wcfm_product_custom_fields ) ) {
      foreach( $wcfm_product_custom_fields as $wpcf_index => $wcfm_product_custom_field ) {
      if( !isset( $wcfm_product_custom_field[‘enable’] ) ) continue;

      $block_name = !empty( $wcfm_product_custom_field[‘block_name’] ) ? $wcfm_product_custom_field[‘block_name’] : ”;
      $wcfm_product_custom_block_fields = $wcfm_product_custom_field[‘wcfm_product_custom_block_fields’];

      $display_data = ”;
      foreach( $wcfm_product_custom_block_fields as $wcfm_product_custom_block_field ) {
      if( !$wcfm_product_custom_block_field[‘name’] ) continue;
      $field_name = $wcfm_product_custom_block_field[‘name’];
      if( !in_array( $field_name, array( ‘costo_de_envio’ ) ) ) continue;

      $field_value = get_post_meta( $product_id, $field_name, true );
      if( $field_value ) {
      $display_data .= “<label class=’wcfm_custom_field_display_label’ style=’display:inline-block;’>” . wcfm_removeslashes( __( $wcfm_product_custom_block_field[‘label’], ‘wc-frontend-manager’) ) . “: </label>”;
      $display_data .= “<span class=’wcfm_custom_field_display_value’>” . $field_value . “</span><br />”;

      if( $display_data ) {
      echo ‘<div class=”wcfm_custom_field_display wcfm_custom_field_display_’.sanitize_title($block_name).'”>’;
      echo $display_data;
      echo ‘</div><div class=”wcfm-clearfix”></div>’;
      }, 45 );

      And the code to show the dollar sign automatically is:

      add_filter( ‘wcfm_custom_field_value’, function( $field_value, $field_name ) {
      if( $field_value && is_numeric( $field_value ) && ( $field_name == ‘costo_de_envio’ ) ) {
      $field_value = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol() . $field_value;
      return $field_value;
      }, 50, 2 );

      Thanks a lot for the help!

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    • #109595


      Any help? 🙂

    • #109873
      WCFM Forum


      Please add this line –

      $field_value = apply_filters( 'wcfm_custom_field_value', $field_value, $field_name );

      after this line – $field_value = get_post_meta( $product_id, $field_name, true );

      Thank You

    • #110135

      Thank you so much! 🙂

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