Custom form validation ?

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    • #21301


      At the moment it only seems to *REQUIRE a title to add a product.

      All custom fields added via the WCFM settings can be make required instead of optional.

      Is there a way to make other fields required such as a category, short description etc?

    • #21333
      WCFM Forum


      Yes you may definitely do this.

      Here is a sample code for you. It set shipping fields required –

      function wcfm_custom_product_manage_fields_shipping( $shipping_fields, $product_id ) {
      	global $WCFM;
      	if( isset( $shipping_fields['weight'] ) ) {
      		$shipping_fields['weight']['custom_attributes'] = array( 'required' => 1 );
      	if( isset( $shipping_fields['length'] ) ) {
      		$shipping_fields['length']['custom_attributes'] = array( 'required' => 1 );
      	if( isset( $shipping_fields['width'] ) ) {
      		$shipping_fields['width']['custom_attributes'] = array( 'required' => 1 );
      	if( isset( $shipping_fields['height'] ) ) {
      		$shipping_fields['height']['custom_attributes'] = array( 'required' => 1 );
      	if( isset( $shipping_fields['shipping_class'] ) ) {
      		$shipping_fields['shipping_class']['custom_attributes'] = array( 'required' => 1 );
      	return $shipping_fields;
      add_filter( 'wcfm_product_manage_fields_shipping', 'wcfm_custom_product_manage_fields_shipping', 50, 2 );

      Hope this will help full for you to do the same for others.

      Thank You

    • #21724
      WCFM Forum


      You don’t need to use this code any more.

      You are now allowed to set such validation from WCfM Admin Settings -> Product Custom Validation

      Thank You

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