Custom home pages for different membership levels

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership Custom home pages for different membership levels

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    • #26813


      I have purchased the WCFM Ultimate and WCFM Staff and am trying to see how I can use membership plugin as well. I would be replacing another membership plugin I am currently using. However, there are a few features that seem to be missing. I posted in another thread about a Free membership level that can have the Store options turned off.
      Also, I need to be able to have a custom home page for each membership level. Would this be possible with this plugin?
      Thank you!

    • #26849
      WCFM Forum


      WCfM – membership is specially only for store vendors. It’s not as general membership plugin for the whole site and normal users.

      In general vendors are always redirect to their dashboard after login. Do you want to change this?
      Actually, I am not getting clearly, what you mean by separate “Home page” for different membership levels!

      Thank You

    • #26872

      Yes, I want to change that. I want to be able to turn off the vendor dashboard for certain membership levels. What I mean by different Home page for different membership levels is upon login to redirect the user to a defined custom page (instead of the vendor dashboard). Can this be done with this plugin?

    • #26958
      WCFM Forum


      You may off course change redirect page after vendor’s login, just add this code –

      function wcfm_custom_login_redirect( $redirect_to ) {
      	return site_url();
      add_filter( 'wcfm_login_redirect', 'wcfm_custom_login_redirect' );

      It will redirect vendor to site’s home page after login, you may set something else as well.

      But if you want set this membership wise then some level of customization required.

      Thank You

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