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Customising membership plans and registration pages

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Customising membership plans and registration pages

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    • #138930

      Hi WCfM,

      I am having some issues getting my custom membership plans and the registration page to work properly.
      I have read through the other posts in this forum and followed the suggested steps before reaching out. They helped somewhat but not completely.
      I have also ruled out other plugins, custom code and caches being at the source of the issues…which are:

      1. The custom membership plan page:
      It loads fine and it has three buttons to each membership, where I have added the URL taken from the Store Manager in each membership plan. The problem is the link leads nowhere. The address bar indicates”mysite/membership-plans/?vmstep=registration” but it’s stuck in the membership plans page. it doesn’t load the registration page. I have also tried the button shortcode but the result is the same, going nowhere…

      2. The registration page:
      I want to make some minor cosmetic changes to the WCfM page template and have added the required CSS with Elementor. It looks fine in edit and preview mode but then the changes do not actually get reflected on the site. All I see is the WCfM template…and in order to see it I have to manually enter the address, it is there, just not being pulled by the URL…

      I understand you guys are really busy these days but any help would be much appreciated.
      Thank you.

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