Customize frontend shop page

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    • #36477

      we’ ve just purchased your plugin and we want to overwrite the frontend style to match our theme’s.
      We’ve located the files that we want to overwrite but we can’t exactly figure out the correct path to copy them into our theme’s folder.
      We made a file called wcfm and move them there but it doesn’t seem to be the correct path.
      Any help will be appreciated.
      If there is also a guide for developers please share.
      One more thing is there a way for the admin to view a full statistic reports for the memberships ?
      Thank you in advance!

    • #36478
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us and great to know that you have already upgrade your WCFM

      Between, what kind of changes you want to have?
      Color change – then setting option is already there.
      Style change – just add your css at child theme’s style.css, template override not required.

      One more thing is there a way for the admin to view a full statistic reports for the memberships ?
      – What kind of stat you are looking for? You already have membership info for a vendor under vendors listing and vendor manage -> Membership

      Thank You

    • #36601

      Hello and thanks for your reply!

      We are changing the html too, so the color settings and the css changes are not enough for us.
      We have managed to find the right path for the store files (/wc-multivendor-marketplace/views/store -> ourtheme/wcfm/store & /wc-frontend-manager/views -> ourtheme/wcfm/views) but we can’t figure out the right path for the vendor membership files (/wc-multivendor-membership/templates -> ? ).

      As admins of the site we are building we will mostly need to keep track of the income that comes from subscriptions and renewals and not from sales, because subscriptions would be the main financial source of the site and not the sales commissions.
      What me mostly need from the statistics is to have a report area where we can see statistics for our membership plans (like total income from subscriptions per day,week, month etc). Like the statistics you already have for product sales but instead of products display subscriptions analytics.

      – What kind of stat you are looking for? You already have membership info for a vendor under vendors listing and vendor manage

      We need those infos aggregated in order to be able to check the business status (check our profit, see where are subscribers coming from, where they are located etc, which plan is most popular, how many cancellations we have etc…)

    • #36976
      WCFM Forum


      Sorry for delayed update.

      but we can’t figure out the right path for the vendor membership files (/wc-multivendor-membership/templates -> ? ). -> override this at “your theme/wcfm/membership”

      We need those infos aggregated in order to be able to check the business status (check our profit, see where are subscribers coming from, where they are located etc, which plan is most popular, how many cancellations we have etc…) – It will be best for you to setup subscriptions using WC Subscription ( plugin and hence you will have all these reports and tracking.
      Check this to know how you will able to setup membership using WC Product –

      Thank You

    • #37112

      Hello and thank you for your reply!

      We have one more question…
      Is it possible to add a filter to our theme’s function.php in order to modify the store tabs order?
      We have located the function get_store_tabs() but we don’t want to make any changes in the core files!

      Thanks in advance!!!

    • #37187
      WCFM Forum


      You got the right function.

      Check this function –

      There is filter, using this you may change it’s order as well.

      Thank You

      • #38142

        Can you please provide an example of how to override the filter ? We’ve tried it but we couldn’t make it work!

        Thanks in advance!

    • #38450
      WCFM Forum


      Sorry for delayed update.

      Here is your sample code –

      add_filter( 'wcfmmp_store_tabs', function( $store_tabs, $store_id ) {
      	$store_tabs = array(
      											"products"   => __( 'Products', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ),
      											"reviews"    => __( 'Reviews', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ),
      											"articles"   => __( 'Articles', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ),
      											"about"      => __( 'About', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ),
      											"policies"   => __( 'Policies', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ),
      											"followers"  => __( 'Followers', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ),
      											"followings" => __( 'Followings', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ),
      	return $store_tabs;
      }, 50, 2 );

      I have placed “Reviews” tab just after “Products” using this.

      Thank You

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