Customize vendor registration fields

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    • #83643

      Hello, I was trying to cutomize the vendor registration field. First, I found a code in the forums and tried to see if it works for removing address 2 and the zip code (code in comments). But then I wanted to maintain the address 2 and remove state and zip code. Unfortunately, the first change remains, address 2 does not appear and the state is still there. He is the code I used from the site’s forums:

      // function wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_0410_address( $address_fields ) {
      // 	if( isset( $address_fields['addr_2'] ) ) {
      // 	  $address_fields['addr_2']['class'] = 'wcfm_custom_hide';
      // 	  $address_fields['addr_2']['label_class'] = 'wcfm_custom_hide';
      // 	}
      // 	if( isset( $address_fields['zip'] ) ) {
      // 	  $address_fields['zip']['class'] = 'wcfm_custom_hide';
      // 	  $address_fields['zip']['label_class'] = 'wcfm_custom_hide';
      // 	}
      // 	return $address_fields;
      // }
      // add_filter( 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_address', 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_0410_address' );
      // add_filter( 'wcfm_membership_registration_fields_address', 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_0410_address' );
      function wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_0410_address( $address_fields ) {
      	$address_fields = wcfm_hide_field( 'state', $address_fields ); 
      	if( isset( $address_fields['state'] ) ) unset( $address_fields['state'] );
      	return $address_fields;
      add_filter( 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_address', 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_0410_address' );
      add_filter( 'wcfm_membership_registration_fields_address', 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_0410_address' );
    • #83785
      WCFM Forum


      This codes are for some other purpose.

      What you want to change in Registration form?

      Thank You

    • #83890

      I would like to remove “Sate” (Etat/Pays in the French version), make “Zip code” optional, change “City” (“Ville/Localité” in the French verion) to just “Localité”, and chabge “Country” to “Commune” and replace the list of countries in the drop-down menu with my own names.

    • #84021
      WCFM Forum


      Please add this to code to your site –

      function wcfm_marketplace_address_fields_rearrange( $address_fields ) {
      	if( isset( $address_fields['zip'] ) && isset( $address_fields['zip']['custom_attributes'] ) ) { 
      	  unset( $address_fields['zip']['custom_attributes'] );
              if( isset( $address_fields['state'] ) ) { $address_fields['state']['label'] = 'Etat/Pays'; }
              if( isset( $address_fields['city'] ) ) { $address_fields['city']['label'] = 'Localité'; }
              if( isset( $address_fields['country'] ) ) { $address_fields['country']['label'] = 'Commune'; }
      	return $address_fields;
      add_filter( 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_address', 'wcfm_marketplace_address_fields_rearrange' );
      add_filter( 'wcfm_membership_registration_fields_address', 'wcfm_marketplace_address_fields_rearrange' );
      add_filter( 'wcfm_wcmarketplace_settings_fields_customer_support', 'wcfm_marketplace_address_fields_rearrange' );

      Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin –

      Thank You

    • #84118

      I am sorry, it is a little different than what I wanted.
      Now, I want to remove “Sate” “City” “Country” and make “zip code” optional.
      Please could you show me the code for that.

      Thank you

    • #84415
      WCFM Forum

      OK, please use this revised code –

      function wcfm_marketplace_address_fields_rearrange( $address_fields ) {
      	if( isset( $address_fields['zip'] ) && isset( $address_fields['zip']['custom_attributes'] ) ) { 
      	  unset( $address_fields['zip']['custom_attributes'] );
      	$address_fields = wcfm_hide_field( 'state', $address_fields );
      	$address_fields = wcfm_hide_field( 'city', $address_fields );
      	$address_fields = wcfm_hide_field( 'country', $address_fields );
      	return $address_fields;
      add_filter( 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_address', 'wcfm_marketplace_address_fields_rearrange' );
      add_filter( 'wcfm_membership_registration_fields_address', 'wcfm_marketplace_address_fields_rearrange' );
      add_filter( 'wcfm_wcmarketplace_settings_fields_customer_support', 'wcfm_marketplace_address_fields_rearrange' );

      Thank You

    • #84498

      Thank you, that works

    • #84738

      I have an associated question. Do these kind of fixes stay after updating the plugin, or they must be patched with every update. Thanks in advance!

    • #84962
      WCFM Forum

      Well, you have to add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin –

      Plugin’s update will not hamper this at all.

      Thank you

    • #85863

      Thanks a lot!

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