Delivery Boys requests

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    • #104103


      I need vendors to choose from a list of delivery boys created by the administrator, this way the same delivery boy can work for more than 1 store.

      It would be great if you can add a terms and coditions module in delivery dashboard so delivery boys can add their terms and vendors have to accept this terms in order to assign this delivery boys for them.

      And for last there is the need that delivery boys can set themselves as unavailable, and configure their weekday off. This way it will be very clear for vendors if they can assign the order to that delivery person or not.


    • #104379
      Molay Das


      I need vendors to choose from a list of delivery boys created by the administrator, this way the same delivery boy can work for more than 1 store.
      No, administrator will create delivery boys and assign them to specific vendor or vendor can create their own delivery boy by themselves. We can’t give access to vendors to choose from all delivery boy’s list because delivery boy can be from different location and vendor’s can’t assign a delivery boy from a different location to deliver product to far another location.

      It would be great if you can add a terms and coditions module in delivery dashboard so delivery boys can add their terms and vendors have to accept this terms in order to assign this delivery boys for them.
      Currently we don’t have this feature, we’ll add this feature in our future update.

      And for last there is the need that delivery boys can set themselves as unavailable, and configure their weekday off. This way it will be very clear for vendors if they can assign the order to that delivery person or not.
      Currently we don’t have this feature, we’ll add this feature in our future update.

      If you want these features immediately then please contact us here:


    • #105311

      Hi Molay Das,

      I already sent a message to customatization last week but never got answer, can you check please?


    • #105508
      Molay Das


      We didn’t receive any customization request mail regarding this forum thread. If you mailed us for customization regarding any other forum thread we will look into it and get back to you.


    • #105544


      I just sent you another message to customization.


    • #143461
      Mumin Fayaz

      Can a delivery boy set himself as offline, when he is not available so that the vendor or admin may know when to assign him a order and when not. Thanks….

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