Disable vendor shipping methods from cart and checkout

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  • Author
    • #42857

      Hello there,

      I have already disabled marketplace shipping but vendor names appear with shipping method on both cart and checkout pages. https://goo.gl/1CY8d2

      How can I disable those all together so default WC shipping method, in my case free delivery, appears in there (just once)?

      I also have a couple of pre-sale questions about WCFM-Ultimate. Does that come with the SMS OTP verification for vendors? If it does, would that work for any country? I also like to send text messages to vendors every time someone places an order against their items. Would that be possible to integrate with WCFM Ultimate?

      Many thanks and regards,

    • #42859
      WCFM Forum


      Please add this code snippet to disable vendor shipping –

      add_filter( 'wcfmmp_is_shipping_enabled', function( $is_allow, $vendor_id ) {
        return false; 
      }, 50, 2 );

      For SMS alert use this –

      👨 Indian Users – https://wordpress.org/plugins/sms-alert/
      👨 Other Users – https://woocommerce.com/products/twilio-sms-notifications/

      WCFM Ultimate not required for this.

      Thank You

    • #42860

      Many thanks for the super-fast reply. The code snippet worked like a charm.

      Regarding the SMS alerts, I want the order notifications to be sent to ‘vendors’ not to customers. Are you aware of any plugins that provide this feature?

      Best regards,

    • #42870
      WCFM Forum


      You are welcome 🙂

      “I want the order notifications to be sent to ‘vendors’”
      – For this I gave you those plugins. WCFM Marketplace will do this for you

      Thank You

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