Display plugin fields in Sellers Products

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Display plugin fields in Sellers Products

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    • #102066

      Hello, how could I do so that the sellers visualize mandatory fields of a plugin that works as a payment gateway in my country and that when installed automatically integrates its fields in the woocommerce product editor, but that the WCFM is not showing when the Seller wants to upload or edit their products.
      In the red box image the plugin integrated in the woocommerce products editor

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    • #102094

      In the seller’s WCFM menu, the fields of the plugin are not currently displayed.
      These fields are necessary for the plugin to calculate the cost of internal freight within my country.

      This is the plugin url if you want to try it.


    • #106040
      WCFM Forum

      Well, this plugin not yet supported by WCFM.

      If you want to use this then may contact us here – https://wclovers.com/woocommerce-multivendor-customization/

      We will implement this custom for you!

      Thank you

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