Do I need to use Stripe split pay if 100% is going to vendor…?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Do I need to use Stripe split pay if 100% is going to vendor…?

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  • Author
    • #57033

      Trying to set up connected accounts and it occurred to me that I may not need to use split pay if I’m paying 100% to my vendors and setting up as “Direct Charges” on Stripe. Is that correct?

      Also since I’m not taking a commission, would I select platform payments or card payments when setting up Stripe connected accounts. I need to know if WCFM needs my settings to be a certain way, or if it is completely up to us depending on the way we operate our marketplace,


    • #57143
      WCFM Forum


      Yeah please, otherwise total amount will be created in Admin account then you have to transfer 100% commission into vendor’s account.

      Thank You

    • #57190

      Thats where I’m confused, because if I use “direct charges” stripe, as I understand it, places funds in the connected vendors account…

    • #57315
      WCFM Forum


      Right, still go though this to understand Stripe different charges –

      Thank You

    • #58954

      So in my dashboard under the withdrawal tab, should i have both stripe and stripe split pay checked or just stripe split pay – currently I have the both checked, but I’m wondering if that is incorrect? Also should I select platform payments or card payments on Stripe set up side, if I’m using direct charges…?

      One of the things I’m confused about is when the vendor connects to stripe from my dashboard are they then the ones accepting payment or is my platform (WCFM) accepting payment? Not understanding this makes it hard for me to know how to set this up on Stripe Side.
      Thank you!

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    • #59140
      WCFM Forum


      So in my dashboard under the withdrawal tab, should i have both stripe and stripe split pay checked or just stripe split pay – currently I have the both checked, but I’m wondering if that is incorrect? Also should I select platform payments or card payments on Stripe set up side, if I’m using direct charges…?

      – Well, if you have enabled Stripe Split Pay then Strip is no more required, you may disable this.

      One of the things I’m confused about is when the vendor connects to stripe from my dashboard are they then the ones accepting payment or is my platform (WCFM) accepting payment? Not understanding this makes it hard for me to know how to set this up on Stripe Side.

      – Please go thought this for Stripe setting –

      Thank you

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