Duplicate product button in the "Edit Product" screen

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Duplicate product button in the "Edit Product" screen

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    • #61139

      Can you please add “Duplicate Product” button in the “Edit Product” screen? put it beside the “Add New” button.

      For example this would be extremely handy for vendors who have similar products with slight variation. Once they add a product and submit it, then when the screen refreshes, they can just click on “Duplicate Product” and make another copy. They can edit the copy and submit it, then make another copy. This will save time and make it faster to add products

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    • #61661
      WCFM Forum


      Please add this code to your child theme’s functions.php for the purpose –

      add_action( 'after_wcfm_products_manage_action', function() {
      	global $wp;
      	if( isset( $wp->query_vars['wcfm-products-manage'] ) && !empty( $wp->query_vars['wcfm-products-manage'] ) ) {
      		echo '<a id="wcfm_product_duplicate" class="wcfm_product_duplicate add_new_wcfm_ele_dashboard text_tip" href="#" data-proid="'. $wp->query_vars['wcfm-products-manage'] .'" data-tip="' . __('Duplicate Product', 'wc-frontend-manager') . '"><span class="wcfmfa fa-copy"></span><span class="text">' . __( 'Duplicate Product', 'wc-frontend-manager') . '</span></a>';
      		jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      			$('#wcfm_product_duplicate').click(function(event) {
      					message: null,
      					overlayCSS: {
      						background: '#fff',
      						opacity: 0.6
      				var data = {
      					action : 'wcfmu_duplicate_product',
      					proid : $(this).data('proid')
      					type:		'POST',
      					url: wcfm_params.ajax_url,
      					data: data,
      					success:	function(response) {
      						if(response) {
      							$response_json = $.parseJSON(response);
      							if($response_json.status) {
      								if( $response_json.redirect ) window.location = $response_json.redirect;	
      				return false;
      }, 50 );

      Thank You

    • #61802

      Thank you for your efforts… Sorry this code did not work. No button appeared… Can you please look into it and add this feature… It is really good to have

    • #61803

      You can add the “Duplicate” button new “Add New” or near “View” “Draft” “Submit” buttons.

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    • #61805

      Ok, the code above works now. Thank you very much. You are so helpful.

    • #61907
      WCFM Forum

      Great … you are welcome 🙂

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