Error 500 issue at vendor profile page

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  • Author
    • #81171

      Hi im just started using your plugin at my website. It is really great, but i have little problem:
      at vendor profile page i have error 500 or blank page.

      I increased memory limit in my wp-config.php to 1024m using:
      “define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘1024M’ );
      define( ‘WP_MAX-MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘1024M’ );”

      and i updated my php version to 7.3 but still it’s not working.

      Example of this page is here:

      When i add at least one product to this vendor, then profil page works perfectly. But without products it’s not working at all.
      I don’t have any error log in my WooCommerce status

      Could you help me please?
      Best regards,
      Aga Wozniak

    • #81180

      Ok i found the reason of this error.
      It is something wrong between WCFM and WooCommerce Product Filter plugin. When i disable this plugin everything works fine.
      I will change filtering plugin for another one, but maybe you can look for this problem, because WooCommerce Product Filter i see in a lot of themes.

      Best wishes,
      Aga Wozniak

    • #81715
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for the update.

      We will check this plugin and take care of this conflict.

      Thank You

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