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Error when adding new (non-downloadable) product. "File: This field is required.

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Marketplace (WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace) Error when adding new (non-downloadable) product. "File: This field is required.

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    • #101416

      When we try to add a product, we are getting these errors (equivalent to this and this).

      File: This field is required
      Name: This field is required

      This error happens since we unsetted the capability to create downloadable products. We tried these two methods:

      1) Directly unsetting the capability:

      //Disabling virtual and downloadable from the product settings
      add_filter( 'wcfm_product_manage_fields_general', function($general_fields){
      	unset( $general_fields['is_virtual'] );
      	unset( $general_fields['is_downloadable'] );
      	return $general_fields;
      } ,501);

      2) Changing capability option rules array so wcfmcap_is_allow_fields_general() unsets the field by itself:

      //Disabling virtual and downloadable from the product settings
      add_filter( 'wcfm_capability_options_rules', function($wcfm_capability_options ){
      	$wcfm_capability_options['downloadable'] = 'yes';
      	return $wcfm_capability_options;
      } ,11);

      I tend to think this may be in fact a bug on your plugin, but I can’t be sure before asking.

    • #101485

      Right now the only solution I could find was hiding those options through CSS, but still that allows that someone tech savvy enough can upload files to the server without our consent with no too much difficulty.

    • #102324


      Would putting a low or no data limit fix help?


    • #102848

      Thank you for contacting and sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused. If I have understood correctly, you want to remove capability to add virtual or downloadable products. There is a settings to do so without any code customization. From your admin account go to WCFM Frontend dashboad >> Capability, under “Types” disable both Virtual and Downloadable option.
      Let me know how this goes.

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