Finder's fee

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    • #80871

      I am frustrating to set up a service finder of tutors and I have my tutors(listings) in Directory. I used Directories Pro from codecanyon.
      It is extremely important for the visitor to be able to communicate anonymously with the tutor before the visitor buy from me the details of the tutor.No one must see each other’s details. I am thinking of placing tutors(listings) as vendors and every vendor will have only one product and that will be the Fee’s finder which is 15 pounds. I placed a button in directory (so it is implemented to all of my listings) named “Contact this tutor” and I want to place a button “Buy tutor’s details” . Directories pro plugin accepts shortcodes ,HTML ,Javascript. So the “contact this tutor” will refer every time to different tutor and “‘Buy his details” will be always a fixed price.
      Could you please help me to fix it? I am trying over two months to find a way.
      I want the email of the vendor to be hidden on “Mystore”.
      In the inquiry form (button Ask a question) how can I ensure that the tutor and visitor won’t send their details(email addresses ,phone,social links).Is there a way to hide them too?
      Please can you help me to have 2 buttons on vendor’s dashboard “Accept job” .”Reject job”
      Thanks a million!!
      Kind Regards,

    • #81619
      WCFM Forum


      I placed a button in directory (so it is implemented to all of my listings) named “Contact this tutor”
      – Is this WCFM default “Ass a Question” button or something else? If so, then then it will not send email to vendor/tutor directly!

      I want the email of the vendor to be hidden on “Mystore”.
      – Please disable “Show Email” form WCFM Capability setting

      In the inquiry form (button Ask a question) how can I ensure that the tutor and visitor won’t send their details(email addresses ,phone,social links).Is there a way to hide them too?
      – Possible. We can filter content before send out notification!

      Please can you help me to have 2 buttons on vendor’s dashboard “Accept job” .”Reject job”
      – Which plugin you are creating such jobs?

      Please reach us here –

      Thank You

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