Fooevents – Product Type Specific Category Setup

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Fooevents – Product Type Specific Category Setup


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    • #81942

      1 – With Woocommerce subscriptions I am able to set Product Type Specific Categories in ‘Product Type Specific Category Setup’
      Example – Set to :- Any product listed as a ‘Product type’ ‘subscription’ can only be located in custom category ‘Subscriptions’.

      How is this achievable with events? – I would like so that if a listing is an event, it can only be listed in category ‘Events’

    • #82437
      WCFM Forum


      Well, certainly “Event” is not a product type. It’s just a product specific option.

      So, this is not possible for this!

      Thank You

    • #82532

      So….Is their any code you can supply to achieve this please

      Would not want an event to be mislocated or placed in shirts for example
      I would like so that if a listing is an event, it can only be listed in category ‘Events’

    • #82824
      WCFM Forum


      I would like so that if a listing is an event, it can only be listed in category ‘Events’

      – Well, we can handle this other way!

      On save we can check whether it’s an even product or not and associate with right category or not?

      Kindly know me your site’s “Event” category ID for the purpose.

      Thank You

    • #82849

      Excellent news

      Events category ID is – 367

      Thank you

    • #82947
      WCFM Forum


      Please add this code to your site –

      add_action( 'after_wcfm_products_manage_meta_save', function( $new_product_id, $wcfm_products_manage_form_data ) {
      	if(isset($wcfm_products_manage_form_data['WooCommerceEventsEvent'])) {
      		$WooCommerceEventsEvent = $wcfm_products_manage_form_data['WooCommerceEventsEvent'];
      		if( $WooCommerceEventsEvent == 'Event' ) {
      			wp_set_object_terms( $new_product_id, 367, 'product_cat' );
      }, 60, 2 );

      Thank You

    • #82954

      Thank you
      Can you briefly explain how What this does
      I have added the code
      Then started to create a new events
      Add new product > event tab = yes but still see the categories tab
      I am sure that this works but would like to be able to explain to vendors in the’How to create an event’ help doc that I am creating.

    • #83311
      WCFM Forum


      This code will ensure if a product added as “Event” then it will definitely associated with “Event” category.

      Vendor may select any category by mistake, but this will discard those and added only Event category to the product.

      Thank You

    • #83391

      Thank you for explanation – Much appreciated

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