Free Membership Expiration OR Product Expiration

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Free Membership Expiration OR Product Expiration

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    • #26312

      Hello good wclovers team,

      I would like to thank you all for you continues updates in the membership side, it is becoming better by the week, and I’m sure it will continue grow even better!

      I am trying to fix the issue of Vendors who decides to leave or never come back to the website again by making their membership expire or products expire after a certain time, currently it works with paid membership, but usually people who don’t pay are the ones who leave, and I want to make free membership or no-membership vendors to be able to register and sell without waiting our approval.

      atm free membership doesn’t have expiration option, and there is no product expiration option.

      I hope these features will be added in the near future.

      Thank you good team!
      Best Regards,

    • #26365
      WCFM Forum


      Yeah that’s right, there is no expiration for Free Membership.

      That’s a good idea, we will add a expiration limit for that as well.

      But, what about non-membership vendors?

      Between, thanks for the nice idea 🙂

    • #26366
      WCFM Forum

      I am moving this to WCfM Feature Request.

    • #26371


      But, what about non-membership vendors?

      You added registration with no membership if admin want vendors to sell for free in the last update right ? if so then the only option to protect customers from +months old forgotten products that their vendors decided to not sell anymore, is to take the products down automatically/expiration after n weeks / n months after product release, and if the vendor comes back then he can publish them again, I think it is a very important feature, maybe online store has this feature


    • #26497
      WCFM Forum


      WCfM Membership 2.1.0 has just released.

      This feature has been added, kindly update yours and take a look.

      Thank You

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