Funtion on wc appointments backend dont showed on wcfm front

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Funtion on wc appointments backend dont showed on wcfm front

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    • #43465

      A funtion that is showed on WC appointments backend, that i need for granting access to an archive after an order completed (paid), is unreacheable in the wcfm ultimate front.
      I attach a file of the problem, the user experience in WC appointments and WCFM ultimate. Permisos de archivo descargable(spanish) = grant download access to file (english)
      Additionally i need to change the “create appointment” and some other strings on WCFM U for translation purpose

      thanks in advance

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    • #43571
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Well, I understand your requirement.

      But, download permission is mainly comes for “Downloadable Products” and WC auto generate this as order mark completed.

      Due you want to have this option for “Appointable Products”?

      “Additionally i need to change the “create appointment” and some other strings on WCFM U for translation purpose”
      – Please use Loco Translate plugin for the purpose

      Thank You

    • #43683

      “Due you want to have this option for “Appointable Products”?”

      A form will fill a pdf document for every visit, to make records of a treatment, based on the appointments

    • #43793
      WCFM Forum


      “A form will fill a pdf document for every visit, to make records of a treatment, based on the appointments”

      – OK, but that can not be fulfill using that option. That is for downloadable products.

      Between, who will filled up this PDF document and what will happen to this?
      Do you have any form like this and PDF generation code implemented?

      Thank You

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