Getting tired of issues

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    • #130383

      I’m sorry to say this but I’m getting a little tired of all the issues I’m facing.
      Previous issues are not even resolved yet or another appears.
      Looks like one step foreward and two steps back all the time.

      Trying not to bother you again I just spent another 1,5 hours to figure out how to delete the store address behind the local pickup option in the cart.
      It looks ugly with no spaces and commas whatsoever and in a total wrong order.
      I really don’t understand whats the use of this because vendor can add store address everywhere; in store header, in About tab, in Store Invoice.
      So why this overkill of putting it again after the local pickup option?

      I searched in woocommerce cart.php files and the only way to remove vendor address is to remove the whole label in woocommerce shipping-cart.php file.
      Somehow this must has to do also with WCFM because otherwise how can store address that vendor adds in his dashboard be a part of this label?

      It would be very appreciative if you would help me remove this.

      Please see attachment.
      Thank you

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    • #131384

      Hi Team, any news on this?
      I know you extra busy right now but to be honest I think it’s fair to handle open topics first before answering to much newer ones.

    • #131490

      Please use the following snippet-

      add_filter('wcfmmp_local_pickup_shipping_option_label', function($label) {
          return trim(explode("(", $label)[0]);

      Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have a child theme then add code using this plugin –
      Let me know how this goes.

    • #131494

      A good feature, there is only a comment, how to display the streets, cities and countries not in a heap, but with spaces and commas?

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      • #131685

        In that case, you can use this modified snippet-

        add_filter( 'wcfmmp_local_pickup_shipping_option_label', function($label, $user_id) {
            if ( wcfm_is_vendor( $user_id ) ) {
                $store_user = wcfmmp_get_store( $user_id );
                $address = $store_user->get_address_string();
                if($address) return trim( explode( "(", $label )[0] ) . ' (' . $address . ')';
                return trim( explode( "(", $label )[0] );
            return $label;
        }, 10, 2 );

        Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
        In case you do not have a child theme then add code using this plugin –
        Let me know how this goes.

    • #131645

      Let me know how this goes.

      Perfect! Thank you @sushobhan

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