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GTranslate Issue with store manager front end

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace GTranslate Issue with store manager front end

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  • Author
    • #128664

      I’m using GTranslate plugin to translate into Korean. When switched to Korean language, the tabs on left of store manager do not align. See screenshot. Please let me know how to fix.


    • #128748

      Well, you can try once using Loco translate plugin, we already tested it and it doesn’t come-up with any issues.

    • #128898

      I don’t want to use Loco translate. I want to use Gtranslate. I tried Loco Translate and WPML which you guys recommend. It’s insanely complicated to setup and can take dozens of hours to translate because everything needs to be translated word by word manually. And that’s just for 1 language.

      GTranslate is a thousand times easier to implement because it’s powered by Google translate. It’s automatic translations for 109 languages that I can setup for my website in literally 10 mins.

      Please find a solution to fix my issue with GTranslate. I can’t be the only one who prefers it over Loco Translate/WPML option.

    • #133805

      Any update on a fix/solution? I’ve waited almost 2 weeks for a reply.

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