Hide buyer information

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    • #122352

      Hello, I would like to hide information to buyer and seller until they make the transaction. So it includes:
      -hide the information (tel + email + direction) when we check the the main seller page (seller profile). CF image “seller information”
      -When the buyer makes an inquiry: 1/ in the “/store-manager/enquiry/”, in the client column, I want to hide the email. CF image “buyer information1” 2/ in the “/store-manager/enquiry-manage/1/” ( or whatever inquiry), hide in the right column the email too. CF image “buyer information2”

      Please detail the process, im quite noob !
      Thank you very much!!

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    • #122357

      It’s Ok I found it!

      We can enter to “seller capability” ( http://your-domain/store-manager/capability/ )
      and put off of each field.
      Anyway, thankyou! great pluging!!!

    • #122358

      But still the question remains for the second part:

      -When the buyer makes an inquiry: 1/ in the “/store-manager/enquiry/”, in the client column, I want to hide the email. CF image “buyer information1” 2/ in the “/store-manager/enquiry-manage/1/” ( or whatever inquiry), hide in the right column the email too. CF image “buyer information2”

      Thank you very much!

      • #122453


        Try this css in your theme’s style.css

        .inquiry_info .inquiry_by .inquiry_by_customer,#wcfm-enquiry tbody tr td:nth-child(3){
        	color: transparent;
        .inquiry_info .inquiry_by .inquiry_by_customer a,#wcfm-enquiry tbody tr td:nth-child(3) a {
        	color: #f86c6b;

        If you want hide customer email from all sections from WCFM dashboard then add this code in your theme’s functions.php


    • #122609

      Hello Sarmistha, i sued the second line code and you re right! all customer email were hide! Thank you very much!!

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