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Hide child categories search in the store list page

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Hide child categories search in the store list page

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  • Author
    • #104415
      Cap Luis

      I have many child categories on my website, I would like to display only the parent category in the search field in the store list.

      Example: Computing; computers, keyboards …

      I want to have the “Computing” field searchable, I don’t want to display the rest of the child categories.

    • #104536


      This will require customization to remove child categories from store list page so please provide us your website login and FTP details with us.
      Please send your website login and FTP details here: https://wclovers.com/woocommerce-multivendor-customization/

      We’ll get back to you.


    • #104542
      Cap Luis

      Okay, I sent the email

    • #104820
      Cap Luis

      Hi, I see you solved this issue! I’m very happy.

      I have another question, is it possible to have a random display order, by default? or can I select the best order set by default?

    • #104827


      You’re most welcome.

      I have another question, is it possible to have a random display order, by default? or can I select the best order set by default?
      Are you talking about the category display order in the “Search By Category” select field?


      • #104828
        Cap Luis

        I’m talking about ordering the list of stores, by default it is (old to new).

        A mixing option would be interesting! or the option to change to the default (new to old).

        I don’t know if there is an option to highlight stores on the wcfm panel, where I can highlight specific stores among other stores

    • #105232


      There is no such option to change the order, it will require custom coding.
      Please contact us here for the purpose: https://wclovers.com/woocommerce-multivendor-customization/


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