How can I edit the wcfm-appointments-dashboard page ?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Appointment How can I edit the wcfm-appointments-dashboard page ?

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  • Author
    • #14786


      I wanted to know if there is any way I can edit the wcfm-appointments-dashboard page without overwritting the wcfmu-view-wcappointments-dashboard.php file.


    • #14813
      Shhiv Narayan


      Can you giv us a bit more details, what kind if modification you are looking for?

      A hand scatch will be good enough for us!!

      Thank You

    • #14816


      Ok so I want to be able to translate the page.
      And then I want to remove the sections “Manage Staff” and “Appointment Calendar” for the shop_staff users because it isn’t working with their capacity I think.
      Also the “Appointment List” section is not working properly for shop_staff users, is it normal ?

      Thank you

    • #14822
      Shhiv Narayan


      Now I got your requirement and this can be achieve very easily.

      Are you comfortable with coding a bit, if I send you some code snippet can you implement those in child theme functions.php?

      Actually, we have WCFM – Groups & Staffs for such purpose, you can control whole staff capability separately as Vendors and even at individual user level.
      But your requirement is small so don’t required that, I will help you to do that as well.

      Also the “Appointment List” section is not working properly for shop_staff users, is it normal ? – Now, this is absolutely not normal, a Staff can view/manage his staff’s Appointments. I will check this, if there is any such issue or not!! If there is something definitely fix by the next update.

      Thank You

    • #14827


      Yes I’m confortable with php.

      Thank you

    • #14838
      Shhiv Narayan


      That’s really cool.

      Here is the custom code for you. Past this any where you preferred –

      function wcfm_custom_manage_staff( $allow ) {
      	if( current_user_can('shop_staff') ) {
      		$allow = false;
      	return $allow;
      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_manage_appointment_staff', 'wcfm_custom_manage_staff', 750 );
      function wcfm_custom_allow_calendar( $allow ) {
      	if( current_user_can('shop_staff') ) {
      		$allow = false;
      	return $allow;
      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_appointment_calendar', 'wcfm_custom_allow_calendar', 750 );

      Can you please give me a bit more details what kind of issue you are facing with Appointment List for staff login? If you can share a screenshot then that will be really helpful!!

      Thank You

    • #14883


      Thanks a lot for your help !

      The wcfm_custom_manage_staff function is working well but the wcfm_is_allow_appointment_calendar function makes me an error 500.

      About the issue with Appointment List for staff login I get this error now : DataTables warning: table id=wcfm-appointments – Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see


    • #14898
      Shhiv Narayan


      WCFM 3.2.4 has just released, can you please update yours and take a look is that staff login issue resolved or not!!

      500 error from this code, strange. Can you please check is there any garbage character exists or not, may possible due to copy-paste and specially coping code from HTML pages.

      Please know me, hope you get the concept how you can disable those. Just have to return “false” on these two filters –

      1. wcfm_is_allow_appointment_calendar
      2. wcfm_is_allow_manage_appointment_staff
      But priority should be more than ‘600’

      Thanks for your patience.


    • #14982
      Shhiv Narayan


      I this works for you?
      Didn’t here back from you anymore!!
      Please know me if you required any further assistance!!

      Thank You

    • #14986

      Hi Shhiv,

      I just updated the plugins and I have to say I can feel a big difference in the UI ! Congrats !
      The issues seems to be resolved and I can also see the appointments in the calendar view with shop_staff account ! Awsome !
      Now I don’t need to hide it so this is fully resolved for my part.

      Thank you very much !

    • #14989
      Shhiv Narayan

      Ahh .. That’s great. Thanks for your cool appreciation.
      Actually, WC Appointments was updated and that cause the broken things.

      Feel free to reach me if you have any further queries.

      I am closing this thread for now.

      Thank You

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