How to add new menu tab on vendor dashboard?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace How to add new menu tab on vendor dashboard?

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    • #23586


      I have tried to find an answer to my question from the forum but I couldn’t. My question is how can I add new menu tab on vendor dashboard?
      I give a brief introduction to what purpose I need it. I am building a print-on-demand t-shirt store where artists signup as a vendor to upload their artworks to admin’s approval. They don’t directly involve adding new products, they just upload artwork files with proper description. After evaluation admin will put these artworks for sale where artists earn a commission.
      I found almost all of the required functions on WCFM. Need one more additional function. I need an additional menu tab named “Submit Artworks” with the contact form (CF7) in it to upload the artworks.
      Can you guide me how can I achieve this?

      Thank you.

    • #23621
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Well, here is a sample plugin which will allow to add custom menu and view in WCfM Dashboard –

      Hope this will helpful for you.

      Thank You

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