Import CSV

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  • Author
    • #96260
      Steven Kuijpers

      I would like to give my shop owners some more options using the CSV uploader. There are a bunch of plugins available, but they don’t work with WCFM, because it falls back to the default Woocommerce upload option.

      Is there a compatible plugin for this or is there some other way to influence this?

      Two things I am looking for:
      1. The head of a column (Cell 1) should be mapped to a ACF field. Example:
      Column: Allergies
      First product the cell beneath it says: Peanuts
      Second product the cell is empty
      Third product the cell says: Dairy, Eggs

      So every product has a specification of Allergy: xxx. The first product has to show Peanuts behind it. The second one should be empty. The third one should be read Dairy and Milk.

      2. (optional) I would like to map out the fields and set them for the shop owner. So if I tell the system that a certain column labelled Allergies is to map with Allergy, it is automatically selected during the mapping.

    • #96443
      WCFM Forum


      I would like to give my shop owners some more options using the CSV uploader. There are a bunch of plugins available, but they don’t work with WCFM, because it falls back to the default Woocommerce upload option.

      – Well, WCFM also use WooCommerce default import engine. SO, if any plugin support WooCommerce default importer then that will supported by WCFM as well.

      Thank You

    • #97075
      Steven Kuijpers

      Thank you for your quick reply! For what I can see, all the main extended importer plugins work separately from the woocommerce one by default. I have (bought and) checked:

      But the Store Owners keep getting the regular Woocommerce import CSV screen when I have activated these plugins.

      Any idea on which plugin I can use that does work with the default importer and extends it?

      Thank you in advance for you reply.

    • #98907
      WCFM Forum

      Sorry, these are not supported for vendors.

      You may import products as Admin using those and then bulk assign to vendors.

      Thank You

    • #99010
      Steven Kuijpers

      Yes I noticed. But my vendors need to upload their products themselves, not through Admin. If I need to do it as admin it might cost me hours per day. We’ll have a lot of Store Vendors that update their prices and other attributes more than daily. Most of our store has fresh food products.

      Is there an option or a plugin that does allow Store vendors to upload the csv themseleves and get them more options to do so?

    • #99698
      WCFM Forum


      Do you have tried WCFM Ultimate existing “Product Importer”?

      If so, what is missing there for you?

      Thank You

    • #100017
      Steven Kuijpers

      Do you mean the uploader in the market environment, which is actually the Woocommerce csv upload? Or is there a different one that I am missing?

      Well, we are having Vendors sell products that have quite a lot of specifications, like allergies, ingredients, product good until dates, etc. So they use a csv with in every column the specific information for that product. When they import that, it should match up with the ACF plugin fields that I have created for them. In that way we can autofilter the content of all vendors on the frontend.

      Now when they upload the need to match their input with the fields available within woocommerce, which can be quite confusing and needs extra columns in their csv to work.

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