In big problems with wcfm

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Jose.
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    • #72837


      I have worked for 6 months to enable wcfm. I have collaborated in the translations, reporting bugs, etc.
      But I have found that it is apparently not feasible to use your system. Why, only some typical sales variables have been considered, but do not consider others that also exist.
      I have seen how sometimes they have not understood that the invoice integrated in WC or in WCFM, do not work in some countries. That some countries require that the seller have all the informative data (shipping cost) to manually prepare an invoice.
      That if this seller makes an invoice for the total and the shipment is ours, I must return the shipping tax to the seller. (I can not force to pay him, something that I must pay).

      All this currently can not be done.

      Is there any solution? Of course there is, willingness to enable options and let the administrators make the decision.


    • #72842
      WCFM Forum


      Well, every tweak is possible. But we can not add setting option for all these.
      Then user will down under checkbox option flood, and that will cause many more issues.

      We have created templates and setting for most general marketplaces.

      But off course there require changes/tweak as per business requirement.
      And also sometimes it’s dependent upon country rules.

      But changes are possible. Changing invoice is most easy part among that, just have to override that template!

      Tell me, what changes you want to do for current invoice template, will help to achieve that.

      Thank You

    • #72845


      Maybe you don’t understand or my english is really bad. We don’t use or need invoice that make wcfm or woocommerce… Why, because it’s a legal issue. The only way to make a invoice is with electronic invoice that make a independent system that allow goverment or manual invoice that have watermark. So please, for us it’s the more easy problem to resolve, but we need that all seller have all info (Product and shipping costs)

      But, I asked you about customization or help (because we want to avoid to much cost) to add for example only tax shipping to return to vendor.
      We don’t like active tax in Woocommerce because the commissión in your system take only gross value in this case.


    • #72846
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #72949
      WCFM Forum


      But, I asked you about customization or help (because we want to avoid to much cost) to add for example only tax shipping to return to vendor.
      We don’t like active tax in Woocommerce because the commissión in your system take only gross value in this case.

      – You have already mail us with this request!

      We will communicate on that mail.

      Thank You

    • #72966


      Ok, I will wait your email.


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