Indian GST E-Commerce System

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  • Author
    • #70149
      Raja Muppidi


      I think you are from India. The actual thing that was missing in the WCFM was the GST tax,

      1. How to add GST to the Product Commission. [ 4.5% ( Marketplace fee ) + 18 & GST ON Marketplace Fee ) ]

      2. How do vendors download the GST Reports ( which shows the total GST they paid which will help them to reimburse from the govt )

      3. TDS and TCS ( To the Latest Indian E-Commerce Norms TDS and TCS are Mandatory I,e every Indian E-commerce Operator has to deduct the TDS from the vendor for every quarter and has to submit it to the Government )

    • #70562
      WCFM Forum


      Yeah right, we are from India 🙂

      Well, you have setup Tax from wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Setting -> Tax

      Then it will be applicable an visible everywhere!

      Thank You

    • #71325
      Raja Muppidi

      I think you didn’t get my point I was asking about the GST for vendors not for customers Please read my above questions clearly

      Thank you

    • #71494
      WCFM Forum


      I understand your point.

      Check this Commission Invoice –

      Tax is showing here.

      As per commission setting – Tax will either go to Admin or Vendor. It it’s set for vendor then it will visible to their commission invoice as well.

      Thank you

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