Inquiry about Withdraw Days Threshold

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Inquiry about Withdraw Days Threshold

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  • Author
    • #54888

      Hello wclovers

      I’m doing some testing to understand some cases related to Withdraw Days Threshold, but it takes time and maybe you have the answer.

      “Withdraw Threshold Days, (Make order matured to make a withdraw request). Leave empty to inactive this option.”

      1- Is this rule starts counting days from the date of order, or date of completed order ?

      2- What happens if I change order to Completed then change it back to Processing, will vendor be able to withdraw after X days or the will the threshold days reset as expected ?

      Thank You

    • #54993
      WCFM Forum


      1- Is this rule starts counting days from the date of order, or date of completed order ?

      – it counted form date of order.

      2- What happens if I change order to Completed then change it back to Processing, will vendor be able to withdraw after X days or the will the threshold days reset as expected ?

      – This is exception case! But WC does not restrict this, you may change a completed order to “On Hold” as well..

      Thank You

    • #57290

      Hello wclovers,

      I really need the Withdraw Days Threshold start when order is Complete, any possible work around for this ?

    • #57489
      WCFM Forum

      Umm .. what if withdrawal will be possible only for “completed” orders?

      Thank You

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