Integrate with the Top Rated POS System on codecanyon ( Openpos – WooCommerce )

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Integrate with the Top Rated POS System on codecanyon ( Openpos – WooCommerce )


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  • Author
    • #101356

      Hi Dears,

      First of all congratulation for your amazing job, I follow you almost a year now and I am really impressed from your innovation and improvement, soon I Will start to develop my own Marketplace using your plugins and I would like to ask you if is possible to integrate your WCFM plugin with the top rated POS System on CodeCanyon ( Openpos – WooCommerce ) -> ?

      You have the best plugin for multivendor by far and this guys have developed an amazing POS System, think about that if you combine with the best woocomerce POS Plugin on Codecanyon, you can add an extra competitive value in your plugin, which I believe can skyrock your sales too, because you can offer to our merchants that register with WCFM Marketplace their own POS system which will be sychronize all the transactions, online offline and retail.

      Moreover, I mention in the plugin comments, that none of your other competitors contact them to integrate and I believe is a great opportunity for you and for us whiuch we use WCFM Marketplace.

      Thank you

    • #105928
      WCFM Forum


      WCFM compatible with this POS plugin –

      You may try this, it works very well.

      Thank You

      • #109956

        I am tested this plugin with the WCFM Marketplace plugin and I have verified that when making a sale from a seller’s POS, a commission is also applied to the sale. Would it be possible to make sales from the web have commission but sales from the POS have no commission?

        Thank you,

    • #105937

      This is great news. Do you have an instructions page for this?
      Or do we simply install the plugin on the marketplace and then tell vendors to install some kind of app (which app?)
      on to mobile device like an Ipad
      or their computer(using a browser or local installed software?)?
      Which then connects to their online shop using their marketplace URL?

    • #106431
      WCFM Forum

      No, special setup require for this.

      Just install this plugin and add it’s POS page under vendor dashboard using WCFM Admin Setting -> Menu Manager

      Thank You

    • #106847

      Thank you Dears,

      Is amazing plugin also what you recommend. :)!

      One last suggestion if you can redesign the dashboard of wcfm marketplace, you will be by far the winner of Marketplace -> take some ideas from wilcity theme dashboard, login as an admin to check it ->

      Thank you

    • #107780
      WCFM Forum

      Thanks for the suggestion, we will take a look at it.

    • #122938

      Please see: POS Integration

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