Integration of WFCM with WP-Marketplace

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Integration of WFCM with WP-Marketplace

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    • #21658


      I have the following plugins installed on my website (which uses Porto theme).

      1. WooCommerce Frontend Manager
      2. WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Groups & Staffs
      3. WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Ultimate
      4. WooCommerce Multivendor Membership
      5. WC Marketplace
      6. WCMp Legacy Settings

      a. In the vendor dashboard i can see a new section called “Payments” where the vendor can request withdrawal. But when selecting the order and the click on Request button the page just keeps on loading. You can see the attached screenshot regarding this.

      b. Also in your demo here: i can see that there should also be another new section called “Listings”. I cannot see that in our vendor dashboard. Why’s that? Would you also be kind enough to explain what this sections does?

      Thank you in advance

    • #21663
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us and for such detailed explanation.

      1. For Request withdrawal model please be sure your Admin and Test vendor payment setup is proper. If you are using Bank Transfer for Vendor then it will definitely work, but for PayPal please be sure there has proper PayPal setup.

      2. Listings – it is WCfM + WP Job Manager ( integration, this is use for creating listing sites mostly. Here is a demo listing site –

      Thank You

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