Inventory Management?

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  • Author
    • #12672

      Can ultimate manage the stock levels (inventory) of products? I was hoping to be able to adjust inventory levels from the main product page. Looks like I have to drill into the product edit feature for each product to change inventory levels. I am looking at inventory managers, but was hoping to get it with Ultimate.

    • #12673
      WCFM Forum

      Hi Bob,

      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Yeah, we understand your requirement.

      Very soon we are going to add Products bulk edit options from Products dashboard and hence stock management will be there as well.

      This update will come within 15-20days.

      Thank You

    • #12674

      Cool! Thanks!

      Looking forward to it.


    • #13325

      Is a good upgrade.
      One question?
      When edit the product, can’t change these product from published to draft.
      I missed some thing?


    • #13326


      Please don’t mind, are you the same person who created this topic before?

      No, you didn’t miss anything.
      For published products we intentionally disabled changing status.

      As mostly Admin kept hold on Vendors product, first review then allow to publish. Now if we keep draft option for published products then admin will receive approval request for same product again and again.

      Do you have any other alternate for this then please feel free share with us.

      Thank You

    • #13336

      Hi again,
      No i’m not created this post.
      But leave a sugestion. And a great addon… for your plugin.

      In capabilities screen, create an option for vendors
      – Vendors can put product in draft?
      on our off

      Something like that.


    • #13337
      WCfM Forum


      Thanks for your suggestion.
      We understood your concern and will do so in our next update.

      Thank You

    • #14762


      I am really sorry for such long delay but no more waiting!!

      WCFM next version will have that long waited “Bulk Product Edit” feature.

      Really thanks for your patience.


    • #14901


      WCFM 3.2.4 has just released and this is already integrated with this feature.

      Kindly update yours and take a look.

      If you still have any queries please know me.

      Thank You

    • #14962
      WCFM Forum

      Hope this resolved your issues.
      I am closing thread for now.

      Thank You

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