Is there a way to add additional tabs on the vendor store page?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Marketplace (WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace) Is there a way to add additional tabs on the vendor store page?

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  • Author
    • #55317
      Patrick Crisci

      Hello, Is there a way to add additional tabs on the vendor store page?

      I also need my vendor store page customized but I haven’t heard anything back in an e-mail for almost a week?

      Thank you,

    • #55529
      WCFM Forum


      Yeah off course possible.

      Between, what will be content for that new tab?

      Thank You

    • #55706
      Patrick Crisci

      I have crowdfunding on my website and want to be able to have vendors have their crowdfunding campaigns on a different tab instead of the products tab.

    • #55965
      WCFM Forum


      Off course possible.

      crowdfunding campaigns – are those custom post type?

      Well, this is possible using custom development. You may reach us here for this –

      Thank You

    • #56012
      Patrick Crisci
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #56013

      Is WCFM compatible with any current crowdfunding plugin ?

      I’ve used this one before

      It is working very well with wc but it has alot of custom field which probably not compatible with wcfm dashboard.

    • #56167
      WCFM Forum

      No, WCFM not yet compatible with any crowdfunding plugin!

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