WCFM Issues and Queries

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    • #66968

      Hey all.

      Apologies for the post in the wrong section but after waiting well over a week for any kind of reply from admin / support on both email and twitter I decided to post here.

      I have recently moved to WCFM from Dokan and do really like it. It’s cool and for the most part works nice.

      I have a few issues which are not big but I do require a little help. They are as follows:

      1. Store list page. The map / page does not show any vendors. (well they show for a second and then disappear. Weird)

      2. Featured Vendor page. I need to create a page with just “featured vendors” on it. No map needed. Hoping this can be done with a shortcode?

      3. I need to setup and option for wholesale pricing with a min buy amount to receive that price point. No idea how to even start this one.

      Any help would be hugely appreciated and thank you in advance


    • #67056
      WCFM Forum


      I am really sorry if you do not receive reply before, but I never receive this queries from you before!

      Where you have contacted us before?

      1. Store list page. The map / page does not show any vendors. (well they show for a second and then disappear. Weird)

      – Please go to WCFM Admin Setting -> Marketplace Setting -> Disable GEO Location option

      2. Featured Vendor page. I need to create a page with just “featured vendors” on it. No map needed. Hoping this can be done with a shortcode?

      – Well, how you mark vendors are “Featured” ?

      3. I need to setup and option for wholesale pricing with a min buy amount to receive that price point. No idea how to even start this one.

      – Please use this plugin – https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-wholesale-prices/
      For minimum amount use this – https://woocommerce.com/products/minmax-quantities/

      Thank You

    • #67210

      With this plugin (I have not yet installed it)

      it indicates that:
      “Change the user role of the customers you wish to grant wholesale access to the new Wholesale Customer role”

      Is this something that the vendor has the ability to do from their dashboard or is this a function that admin can only do from admin panel?

    • #67280

      Thank you for getting back to me. I emailed 4 times and contacted directly via twitter inbox but nothing.

      Thank you for the resolution for issue 1.

      2. Is there not an option for featured vendors on WCFM? I thought there was. Would be a great option if not!

      3. Thanks for the heads up with number 3. I am now using “WOOCOMMERCE WHOLESALE PRICES PREMIUM” but I don’t see any additional options when using a test vendor account to add wholesale prices with min purchase volumes.

      I also noticed “Change the user role of the customers you wish to grant wholesale access to the new Wholesale Customer role”. Does the customer select that they are retail and wholesale customer or do they need to apply to be wholesale customers? I don’t see options to support either?

      Lastly, when on the front end dashboard the “Vendor Capability” pages is messed up. See image below:

      Thank you in advance for your continued time and help

    • #67281

      Image attached

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    • #67463
      WCFM Forum


      2. Is there not an option for featured vendors on WCFM? I thought there was. Would be a great option if not!

      – WCFM has an option – Verified Vendor.
      Well, it’s not a big deal to add another bit like “Featured Vendor”

      3. Thanks for the heads up with number 3. I am now using “WOOCOMMERCE WHOLESALE PRICES PREMIUM” but I don’t see any additional options when using a test vendor account to add wholesale prices with min purchase volumes.

      – WCFM also compatible with this. Between, what is your WCFM Ultimate plugin version?

      Thank You

    • #67546

      I am using version Version 5.4.5 of WCFM Ultimate.

      Can you please instruct me as to how to add a featured vendor option, How I would then add featured vendors and lastly how I would show Only featured vendors on a single page?

      Thank you guys for your continued help

    • #67553

      I am using version Version 5.4.5 of WCFM Ultimate. I still dont see the option for wholesale when adding products. I’ve also noticed that Admin has to set the min purchase amount when really it should be up to each seller?

      Can you please instruct me as to how to add a featured vendor option, How I would then add featured vendors and lastly how I would show Only featured vendors on a single page?

      Thank you guys for your continued help

    • #67554
      WCFM Forum


      Please update your WCFM Ultimate to 6.1.5+

      Your version no more compatible with latest WCFM and WCFM Marketplace, in fact it will throw errors.

      Can you please instruct me as to how to add a featured vendor option, How I would then add featured vendors and lastly how I would show Only featured vendors on a single page?

      – I will give you code for this. Please contact us here – https://wclovers.com/woocommerce-multivendor-customization/

      Thank You

    • #67555
      WCFM Forum

      I am using version Version 5.4.5 of WCFM Ultimate. I still dont see the option for wholesale when adding products. I’ve also noticed that Admin has to set the min purchase amount when really it should be up to each seller?

      – Update WCFM Ultimate, vendor will able able to do this.

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