Listing Fee Option On Top of Sale Commission.

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Listing Fee Option On Top of Sale Commission.

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  • Author
    • #78334

      Hi there,

      I have currently 2 plans available for my MarketPlace website.
      Plan 1- Casual Seller:
      Free Registration
      Listing fee: $1.50
      Commission %(when sale’s made vendor gets): 85%
      Plan 2 -Professional Seller:
      Plan fee: $20
      Listing fee: $0.50
      Commission %(when sale’s made vendor gets): 90%

      As you can see I’d like to charge higher commission value and listing fee for the Free Plan and lower for Professional Plan.
      Would it be possible to set the Listing Fee for each plan?
      Please help if I am missing something..
      Thank you very much in advance.

    • #78986
      WCFM Forum


      WCFM does not support such “listing fee” option.

      It has “pay for product” module –

      But this does not work for membership wise separately.

      Thank You

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