Manually add products to a subscription

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Subscriptions Manually add products to a subscription

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    • #108701

      Sometimes we have to add products or change products manually in a subscription. This creates problems, as the commission is not calculated on the customers we have done this to.

      We add products manually in wp backend.

    • #109835
      WCFM Forum


      Sometimes we have to add products or change products manually in a subscription.

      – You have to add that product into that subscription’s associated order as well, hence commission will be recalculated.

      Thank You

    • #111167

      Okay, so I have to put the new product into parent order also add the product manually into the subscription system?

    • #111595

      Please is there a way i can add my payment gate way to membership subscription. I want them to pay for membership subscription via my payment gate with debit card.

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