Marketplace set up instead of wp-admin page.

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Viewing 14 reply threads
  • Author
    • #66775

      I’m being taken to the Multivendor set up page when logging in to my wp-admin area. This is not supposed to happen because I have everything set up. I also updated yesterday, did some setting get over written and how can I fix this?

    • #66805

      I can’t access wp-admin to disable or make any attempts to troubleshoot. My store is being affected and my site is currently dead in the water.

    • #66887

      Help, please!?!?!?

    • #66905

      This happened to me too. It is currently crashing my site and cannot access admin even when clicking “Skip the steps”. Really need to remove auto-update from WCFM.

      You can disable your plugin by accessing File Manager or using an FTP client like Filezilla. Go to your plugins folder and find WCFM Ultimate and rename the folder to anything.

      Example: wc-frontend-manager-ultimate

      Renamed example: wc-frontend-manager-ultimate_temp

      This will deactivate it. You may need to deactivate the marketplace folder, and front end manager as well.

      When you’ve deactivated the plugins you’ll see that your WordPress dashboard runs smoothly again and you won’t have a hostile takeover by the WCFM setup screen.

      If you use then contact them through the chat and they can deactivate all plugins from their end. Hope this issue gets fixed because, once again, my marketplace is useless. There goes 163 vendors just like that. I was finally happy with my marketplace and then this nightmare happened with the auto-update. Probably going to rollback and not do any updates for a while.

    • #66906

      P.s. Don’t forget to change the folder name back to the original name if and when you’re ready to reactivate!

    • #66979

      What’s most disheartening is that the wc folks aren’t even replying. Is there a fix…a workaround…?

    • #66981

      This is from support:

      “That’s really strange!

      Can you please delete WCFM installation folder via FTP or cPanel and do a fresh installation.

      Don’t worry, no data will be hampered“

      I will let you know how this goes after the deletion. Very nervous about losing data, but they said I will not lose anything and will still have all vendors.

      You should backup your site just in case.

    • #66989

      I just rolled back to my previous version before the update. I’m gonna leave things the way they are for now. Luckily this was a site in my staging environment and not live.

    • #66991

      This is also happening to me on a WP multisite
      WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager Version 6.1.5
      WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Ultimate Version 6.1.5
      I have tried disbaling ultimate but still the same issue

    • #66992

      Yes I have a multisite too.

    • #67000

      Do you have WCFM ‘ultimate’ plugin installed?
      If so then it may be due to one needing a license for each sub/child-site as each sub-site is it’s own website –
      This is my interpretation of the licensing but WCMF support may be able to confirm or clarify this

      I seem to have fixed the issue, for now anyway, by only enabling the ‘ultimate’ plugin on one site only.

    • #67048
      WCFM Forum


      I’m being taken to the Multivendor set up page when logging in to my wp-admin area. This is not supposed to happen because I have everything set up. I also updated yesterday, did some setting get over written and how can I fix this?

      – Please update/install WCFM 6.1.6, this will resolve for you.

      Thank You

    • #67079

      Thank you – Update to 6.1.6 worked for me
      I can now acees dashbaord again without the set up widget displaying

    • #67080

      Thank you, indeed! 🙂

    • #67130
      WCFM Forum

      Sorry for the trouble, thanks for the update 🙂

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