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Menu in the seller shop is not displayed

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Viewing 16 reply threads
  • Author
    • #125598

      Thank you für the greating Support

      Menu in the seller shop is not displayed

      Theme Envo storefron

      Thank you

    • #126187


      Can you please explain with screenshot.


    • #126207

      Here is a sreenshot

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #126221

      thanks for the great support always quick great answers

      premium support is not that quick

      I bought the ultimate maybe the dashboard is a different setting

      which plugins do i install at ultimate where can i find them all

      there is an instruction manual for this

      do I have day bookings with ultimate hourly bookings rent appointments room bookings or do I have to buy more there

      which is the best market place of you

    • #126225

      I am shown in the setting for ultimate 2 green arrows correctly in the loco file for German is shown to me was not activated

    • #126596


      Regarding Dashboard menu issue, We have tested with this theme https://wordpress.org/themes/envo-storefront/, and it’s working fine. Vendor/seller can see his dashboard menus. Please check once WCFM store dashboard->settings->Menu manager all are enable or not, and Vendor/seller capabilities are turn on or not.

      Regarding booking, You can find out here -https://wclovers.com/wcfm-compatible-plugins/ which booking plugins are supported with our WCFM plugin. With “WooCommerce Booking” plugin you can handle room/hourly booking.

      I am shown in the setting for ultimate 2 green arrows correctly in the loco file for German is shown to me was not activated
      >>Sorry , this point is not clear, Please elaborate.


    • #126605

      ultimate I entered the id in the settings 2 green ticks are displayed in LOco translate is shown to me in German not activated

      have deactivated all other plugins again entered menu is not available not even with twenty tenty

      made a setting again in the front manager still does not work the menu is not displayed in the seller dashboard

      • #126616


        Menu is not displayed in the seller dashboard
        >>Please share us your site url with access, we need to check your site.(Set as private reply)


    • #126619

      needs to know your email address

    • #126794

      Have now ultimate for 49 euros that the whole booking system or you have to buy modules then it is displayed that you get the booking plugin as I set it

    • #126796

      where do I find the

    • #126797

      For the Multivendor Marketplacde

    • #126799

      For multi vendoren

    • #126804

      what does ultimate contain now

      how can you incorporate appointment hour booking form into the seller side
      also room bookings and device bookings

      it is actually at marketplace ultimate every time multivendor bookings appointments etc you have to buy the whole package at ultimate 250 euros or how does it work

      I just bought the nude ultimate for 49 euros, I can buy the others

      what does the bare ultimate contain for 49 euros

      what plugins are they
      where do I find the

    • #126815

      how do I get WC booking. WC rental WC appointments in my woocommerce multivendor marketplace

      where can I buy these

      I have ultimate buy

      If the license has to be confirmed how is it done

      if the license has yet to be confirmed by ultimate, the other emails are done

      tried different solutions with the menu everything does not work menu in the seller dashboard is not displayed

      if you wanted access I need an email from you

    • #126969

      Please find our answers:

      Your point: “how do I get WC booking. WC rental WC appointments in my woocommerce multivendor marketplace”
      Ans: You can get those from WooCommerce site, or you can get it from here as well -https://wclovers.com/wcfm-compatible-plugins/

      Your point: “If the license has to be confirmed how is it done”
      Ans: You will get the details from the mail which you will be getting after the purchase.

      Your point: “tried different solutions with the menu everything does not work menu in the seller dashboard is not displayed”
      Ans: What doesn’t work? Let us know.

    • #127104

      There is no seller menu available, tried everything possible


    • #147319

      It’s a really interesting scenario, but unfortunately I don’t know much about it because I’m not a developer by profession. Online shopping has gained popularity among the younger generation as the younger generation is more familiar with the latest technology than ever. They know the benefits because I’m 52, but I still like buying products online like the last time I bought a casio watch from a retailer at rafiqsonsonline.com/product-category/casio/. In fact, when you buy online, the biggest benefit is that you save time and are fully aware that time is money. Anyway, thanks for sharing a nice piece with us.

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