Missing option about who gets shipping cost on a per product basis

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Marketplace (WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace) Missing option about who gets shipping cost on a per product basis

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    • #79440


      During commission setup, it is possible to decide who gets shipping and tax from the global settings.

      However when we decide on commission on a per product basis (eg: during product creation), there is no option to decide who gets shipping cost and shipping tax.

      Can you please tell me how to do this? This is important since anyone deciding to use per-product rule is probably looking to avoid the global rule and shipping cost is an important aspect of commission calculations.

      Thanks a lot in advance :). Have a nice day ahead.

      Best Regards,

    • #79677
      WCFM Forum


      Well, one order may have multiple products from same vendor.

      But shipping generate as a whole per vendor wise.

      Now, if you set one product’s shipping cost go to vendor and another to Admin then commission generation system will breakdown!

      Thank You

    • #80006


      Thank you for explaining. Can you kindly suggest your solution for the scenario:

      1. Vendor sells own products as well as products allocated to vendor by admin (meaning shipping cost /tax should go to admin).

      In my head, each vendor should have 2 accounts. One uniquely selling admin products and another selling own products. The question is, can same stripe account be used to create 2 accounts in the same site? (via stripe connect). Will your plugin be able to manage if same vendor uses same stripe for creating 2 vendor accounts? (Imagine same cart has products from his 2 separate accounts both connected to same stripe account).

      Thanks for your advise and clarification.

      Best Regards,

    • #80024
      WCFM Forum


      Vendor sells own products as well as products allocated to vendor by admin

      – What is the difference between these two products for a vendor?

      Vendor may create his product by them self or Admin may create and assign to them. Ultimately both are that vendor’s product.

      Are you getting separate commission for these two type of products depending upon who created that?

      Well, one order may have multiple products from same vendor.

      But shipping generate as a whole per vendor wise.

      Now, if you set one product’s shipping cost go to vendor and another to Admin then commission generation system will breakdown!

      – But this issue is still standing!

      Thank You

    • #80037
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #80433


      Do you have any update about this? Thanks.

      Best Regards,


    • #82267
      WCFM Forum


      So, the big question: Can existing vendors create a second vendor account using a different email id and user name in my website BUT use their already connected stripe account to withdraw the payments.

      – Stripe does not allow this. One Stripe account can be connect with Admin account only once!
      If user trying to connect multiple times then previous connection will be lost.

      Thank You

    • #82851

      Ok…Then please allow me a few days to analyze the issue and I will contact you via email. I already sent you 1 email long back which you could not reply since you were busy I guess, but this was a very important point to address in the email. So, no use about the email until I figure out how best to manage this shipping cost issue since as admin, I always pay to fulfill the order.

      In short, I desperately need to find a solution for this since a majority of my income depends on this system working. I will get in touch with you via email after some deep thinking. Thank you for taking care of the other tickets since they will allow me to start making money on physical products.

      Have a nice weekend. We get in touch via email next week.

      Best Regards,

    • #84011
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #84438
      WCFM Forum

      Sure, we are checking this.

    • #88761


      I sent you 2-3 emails over the last 2 months but never heard back 🙁

      Can you kindly check since the emails have excellent solutions to extend the use of your affiliate plugin for all your user base. I will buy it or else we will need to find alternative solutions using your code.

      Have a nice day ahead.

      Best Regards,


    • #90575


      I re-sent you an email today regarding the same un-answered email. Can you kindly check and let me know your thoughts via email.

      Kind regards,

    • #91130
      WCFM Forum

      We are checking your this thread – https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/commission-by-vendor-sales

      Do you have any other thread unanswered?

    • #91280
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #91763


      Did you see the email?

      Thank you,


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