Missing options when create a new product from creating a listing

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Bookings Missing options when create a new product from creating a listing

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    • #98743


      When I add a new listing and create the accomodation product that “has people” using the “Create new product” button https://ibb.co/8567vgJ i´m missing the options to configurate the persons. The options to select it´s appears, https://ibb.co/2FWj2Jt but there is not option configuration during the product creation process. Later, if I go to Products and edit, the option is there to can configurate the “has persons” options.

      Also i´m missing the ADD-ONS option. In this case appears the step on the process, but empty https://ibb.co/XXkL51v

      I hope you can fix thoses isues on the futures plugins update.

      Thank you

    • #99507

      After creating that type of product, if you go to edit it again, the option “has person” does not appear and you have to re-check the box “has persons” so that the options appear and can be edited.

      I also have sent this issue through the “priority support”.

      Thank you

    • #99663
      WCFM Forum

      We will update you over priority email on this.

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