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Move "plans" tab to store settings page

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Move "plans" tab to store settings page

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  • Author
    • #83885
      Cap Luis

      I am using buddypress, for profiles, and I want to disable the sellers profile module so as not to create confusion with various profile locations. I want profiles on buddypress only.

      But the plans tab that shows which subscription the seller has is within the Profile. I would like to place this tab inside the store settings tab.

      Because all the important information is within the settings. I don’t know why putting the plans in the profile tab, because the store is owned by it, there are no two profiles to manage a store and each profile with a different plan, that makes no sense. It makes more sense to have plans within the store setup. And not within profiles.

      But that’s beside the point, I need plans within the store settings.

      thank you very much for your help and your attentive support

    • #84016
      WCFM Forum


      Please add this code to your site –

      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_membership_manage_under_setting', '__return_true' );

      Thank You

    • #84540
      Cap Luis

      Has anyone ever said that you are the best?

      Thank you very much!!!!

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