Multiple vendors on same order, changes updates for all.

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    • #71871

      I have an issue that a vendor has found on orders that are done on one invoice from a buyer.

      The scenario is:

      A customer shops the site. They end up buying various products from 3 different vendors. This order is all on the same invoice. The order is produced to all of the vendors. The vendors begin to process their orders. When a vendor is in the orders window and that vendor wants to change the order from let’s say Processing to OnHold, what happens next is that specific vendor not only has placed their order OnHold from Processing but the other 2 vendors invoices are also placed OnHold.

      So the other 2 vendors are wondering who changed their order status. So they go ahead and change it back. The original vendor is now scratching their head also and now they place their order back OnHold. Now everyone is confused. I have no way of knowing how to fix such a problem. If there is no easy fix what can we do?

      Also, where does one place an order from completed to paid? I mean so that the order is finalized and it shows a paid symbol. I do see the unpaid symbol in red, but can that be also shown as paid as well.

    • #72031

      I too have same issue
      When one vendor changes order status
      This action changes order status on all other orders
      WP Version 5.2.2
      WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager Version 6.2.3
      WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Ultimate Version 6.2.2
      WCFM – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Version 3.1.3
      WooCommerce Version 3.6.5

    • #72035


      untick Order sync in the marketplace settings area as per the screenshot
      this will stop one order status change affecting all the rest


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    • #72044

      Thank you
      I thought that his checkbox option was for each individual vendor, I now understand a little bit more
      Good to learn something new every day πŸ™‚

    • #72049

      sdel_nevo… you ROCK!!! Thank you!!

    • #72053

      Hi guys

      Your both welcome 😁


    • #72134

      HI All,

      As per the other question in this thread about changing an order from completed to paid, how do we do this please?


    • #72165


      The problem is that a new issue appears, if a customer orders several items from different suppliers, when a seller changes the status to completed, the customer don’t receives an email. And Admin always see the order like in process, incluide if both vendors change the order to complete.

      But, if admin change status to complete, the customer receive email, but with both products. This is a really bad.

      I would like to know if other user see the same !


    • #72225
      WCFM Forum


      The problem is that a new issue appears, if a customer orders several items from different suppliers, when a seller changes the status to completed, the customer don’t receives an email. And Admin always see the order like in process, incluide if both vendors change the order to complete.

      – I think, “Order Sync” option is disabled so main order not updating as vendor update order status.

      But there is notification for both Admin and Customer.

      Thank You

    • #72308


      Sorry, but we have no solution with any of the options; Order Sync Activate or Deactivated.

      With the option activated: The problem is that it is enough for one of the sellers to complete the order and the customer receives an email with both products as complete, the customer is being confused since sellers can perfectly have different times to prepare the shipment. On the other hand a logistics company could be receiving the order to go and find both packages for dispatch. Remember that there are many companies that already have their own plugin for offices and the most important thing is to know when a product is complete.

      With the option deactivated: Separates the products, but does not send emails to the customer (of utmost importance) and on the other hand if both sellers complete the order, the administrator does not see the status of the order updated.

      Some time ago you used this code to update the status of the administrator:

      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_change_main_order_status_on_all_item_shipped', '__return_true' );

      Will be possible to change to update status administration when orders are complete ?


    • #72434
      WCFM Forum


      With the option deactivated: Separates the products, but does not send emails to the customer (of utmost importance) and on the other hand if both sellers complete the order, the administrator does not see the status of the order updated.

      – It will update main order status to complete, add this line to your site –

      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_mark_complete_main_order_on_all_child_order_complete', '__return_true' );

      Thank You

    • #72577


      Ok, with this code is better !! Thank you


    • #72684
      WCFM Forum

      Welcome πŸ™‚

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