Order not Visible in Reports or Ledger

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    • #114606


      After placing an order for virtual & downloadable product and paying the order via electronic payment (similar to stripe) the order is marked completed in the original Woocommerce Orders Dashboard, however in the WCFM vendor & admin ledger the order stays On Hold.

      After manually changing the order status to processing and then to complete again the order becomes visible in the ledger and reports.

      Any help on the matter?

    • #115261
      WCFM Forum


      Which payment gateway you are using for payment?

      Possibly this is not as per WooCommerce standard and does not trigger required WooCommerce order status update actions.

      Please do a test using some other payment gateway and check whether you are getting same issue or not?

      Also, kind share that payment gateway plugin url with me to check once!

      Thank You

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