Order split to multiple main orders as per vendor

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Order split to multiple main orders as per vendor

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    • #107164


      My name is Sushan. I would like to tell Wclovers you have helped a lot by making a wonderful multivendor plugin but my business is getting stalled because of one missing functionality. I am requesting and begging here please give a feature of spliting order into multiple main orders as per vendor. I am really in a big trouble here. I dont have a team anymore to manage this manuallly. Please just help me. Please. Give a feature of spliting order into multiple Main Orders as per vandors.

      Thanks and Kind Regards

    • #107520

      sushandash what do you mean by this?

      I’m having trouble understanding what the issue is or what you are trying to do so I’m guessing the developers of WC Lovers are having trouble to understand.

      Maybe provide screenshots of what you mean?

    • #107798
      WCFM Forum


      I am requesting and begging here please give a feature of spliting order into multiple main orders as per vendor.

      – Well, it’s already there and that’s why vendors are getting only their part of order under their dashboard.

      Thank You

    • #131227

      What about emails going to each vendor? do they see their part of order?

    • #131512

      @hani that is correct. Vendors only see and manage their orders. Email are also only per vendor and they don’t see other vendors order even if they are in the same transaction.

    • #136803

      But still i’m waiting more than a month to solve emails and PDF splitting, but no response.

    • #137052

      Vendors get their own emails.

      Did you do some testing (set up a fake vendor account and do some tests)

      Are your customer emails (and all other emails) being sent out? If not then you may have an email system issue.

      You should install these three (free) plugins which are great for trouble shooting

      in particular:
      WP Mail Logging by Mail Poet
      Email sending issues is a common problem with WordPress sites. Once you add a few more plugins that require emails then it can get quite difficult to work out what is happening with your outgoing mail. WP Mail Logging is a plugin that logs all outgoing emails so that you can see if the email has been triggered. This does not mean that the email has actually sent. All it means is that WordPress and the plugin you’re debugging has triggered the email.

      We often have users contact us and tell us that their email isn’t sending and most of the time its not actually a problem with our products but a problem with either a mail conflict or mail configuration in general.

      WP Mail Logging makes it very easy to see which emails are sending.

    • #137103

      Hi Craig,

      Thanks for the advise, well, everything is tested and been reported to WCFM, customer get a CC, vendor get email and PDF, back end respond correctly by splitting each vendors products.

      let be try to install this plugin and see the results.

      Thanks Again

    • #138201

      Hi Craig,

      Do u have an idea how to make emails splitted like WCFM backend ?

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