Payment gateway for African countries

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Payment gateway for African countries

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  • Author
    • #105698

      In Africa, the only means of online payment is what we call MOBILE MONEY provided by the Telecommunication companies. I have been trying to find a way to use this over a year and no avail. Please, can you offer me some help?

    • #106396
      WCFM Forum

      Well, we have to check payment gateway API first, whether it support this or not!

      Kindly share that payment gateway exact site url with us to check.

      Thank You

    • #106398

      Hello, thanks for the reply. Example can be found on and


      I installed the mobile money addon plugin from Wcfm I saw on the forum, however there is no option for settings
      Thank you

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