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We're shifting our Forum based support to a more dedicated support system!

We'll be closing our Forum support from 10th June, 2020 and move to Email Support assistance.

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    • #93467


      Your plugin says it is compatible with this: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-pdf-vouchers-wordpress-plugin/7392046

      Even they say they are compatible with you. However,

      Our vendor cannot see the 3 most important menu in their dashboard using WCFM-U as seen in their video tutorial and documentation . They are:

      A. Voucher code –To see how many codes are purchased/redeemed /expired
      B. Check Voucher code — Tab to enter code and check validity
      C. Voucher template — design their own template

      This means, they cannot create their own templates as shown in tutorial or manage their vouchers. Can you help us show this 3 menu in their dashboard in WCFM-U since without these the plugin cannot be fully compatible.

      I confirm that vendor can create PDF voucher products correctly. However, after order they cannot check how many vouchers are live, expired or redeemed.

      Thank you.


    • #94011
      WCFM Forum


      Well, vendors are not allowed to create template separately. Only Admin may create this.

      A. Voucher code –To see how many codes are purchased/redeemed /expired
      B. Check Voucher code — Tab to enter code and check validity

      – Please create page using short code and add under vendor’s dashboard using WCFM Menu Manager.

      Check this section – https://docs.wpwebelite.com/woocommerce-pdf-vouchers/pdf-vouchers-setup-docs/#shortcode

      Thank You

    • #96099


      Thank you for your reply.

      Is there anyway to make these pages only accessible to vendors when they are logged in? I am not willing to allow the public to check voucher codes randomly in the website. (bots try this).

      Also the developer of the plugin tried to create a menu link with url: https://www.example.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=woovouchers but your front end manager is not allowing access to backend. He asked me to ask you if there is anyway to make an exception for this url for all vendors which will allow them to create their own templates to offer.

      Thank you

    • #96429
      WCFM Forum


      Is there anyway to make these pages only accessible to vendors when they are logged in? I am not willing to allow the public to check voucher codes randomly in the website.

      – Do you have created those pages? If so, then please know me those pages’ IDS. I will give you restriction code for the purpose.

      Thank You

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