Please how can i create a vendor, from a rest API

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Marketplace – REST API Please how can i create a vendor, from a rest API

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  • Author
    • #98654

      Please, how can I create a vendor, from a rest API? The default WordPress user registers customer. and I need this to be able to create vendor directly from a rest API but I cannot seem to find any resources to help out.

    • #99668
      Sayan Naskar

      WCFM rest api doesn’t have any route of itself to create users or even vendors you must use the default wordpress user creation route.

      You must enter the correct user roles for in the api data for creating different user roles other than customers.

    • #99693
      Sayan Naskar

      Hello again,
      For your convenience the user role for vendors is wcfm_vendor

    • #104190


      We already have an app to create products using the Woocommerce REST API. I was wondering if I could assign this product to a particular vendor when creating the product through the API. If possible, could you please explain how I can achieve this?


    • #104477
      Sayan Naskar

      If you create a product through WCFM Rest api the product will automatically get assigned to the vendor already logged in.
      But if you are using Woocommerce rest api you need to set the user id of the vendor and pass it as the author of the product to assign the vendor as the vendor of the product.

      Thank you.

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