
We're shifting our Forum based support to a more dedicated support system!

We'll be closing our Forum support from 10th June, 2020 and move to Email Support assistance.

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  • Author
    • #106710

      Hello, I have the following request, we in Germany need precise policy information. Speaks, we need terms and conditions, right of withdrawal, data protection and delivery & payment terms. How can I now add a field to the shop store policies and adjust the labels for all fields?

      Many thanks in advance.


    • #107036

      Hi there,

      I need the following legal texts for my sellers in your shops. General terms and conditions, right of withdrawal, imprint and data protection provisions. how do I get it implemented? I cannot change the corresponding input fields correctly. It’s about German shops.

    • #107658

      One simple option might be renaming the current policy labels and use your legal texts. This can be easily achieved using a translation plugin like Loco translate.
      But if you want to add more custom policies then some code customization will be required. Can you please provide your exact requirement like what will be those fields and their effect on the marketplace, if any?

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