Problem with Vendor Store display / Displaying of products

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Problem with Vendor Store display / Displaying of products

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    • #73595


      I’m having a problem with the way the vendor store is displayed.
      Is there any way to push this down so it will match my template? Or can I use an alternative template (without navigation for example) from my existing ones.

      The second problem is when I want to display a product. With all my regular uploaded products in woocommerce it just shows the mouse-over in normal formatting. When I upload a product with wcfm then the mouseover is completely out of proportions as you can see.

      How can both issues be solved?

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    • #73873
      WCFM Forum


      Which theme you are using for the site?

      Can you please share me real URL to check this.

      Thank you

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