Product not showing on shop page for guest users, but shows for admin

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Product not showing on shop page for guest users, but shows for admin

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    • #71441

      WC Lovers told me multiple times that it is a cache issue, so I hired developers and got the hosts involved for my server and they explained to me that it is definitely not a cache issue.

      A newly published product does not show up on the WooCommerce shop page for guest users but shows for admin only when publishing from WCFM. I can publish products from the backend and the products are visible to all users. The same thing is happening for vendor pages too.

      1) Ruled out a cache issue with developers and hosts
      2) Already refreshed permalinks on WCFM and backend dozens of times
      3) Changed to a brand new shop page which shows all products, but this does not solve the problem. When a vendor publishes a new product after the shop page was created, it is hidden until I create a new shop page or publish the product from the backend.

      This defeats the purpose of WooCommerce FRONTEND Manager because no one can successfully publish a product.

      Has anyone had this experience and what did you do to resolve this? WC Lovers is pointing me one way while the hosts are pointing me the other way.

    • #71511
      WCFM Forum


      Kindly share your site access with us here –

      We will debug this for you!

      Thank You

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