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Redirect WCMp Vendor Registration Form to WCFM Membership plan?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Redirect WCMp Vendor Registration Form to WCFM Membership plan?

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  • Author
    • #23927

      My site members are confused with the vendor application form and membership plan.
      I plan to use the WCFM- membership plan page and bring my member to WCFM – registration form

      So I try to redirect the WCMp vendor registration form page to WCFM – membership plan page, via 2 way;
      1. Paste the WCFM shortcode ([wcfm_vendor_membership]) on the WCMp vendor registration page, but it does not change.
      2. In the WordPress dashboard/WCMp Settings/Vendor Pages/Vendor Registration; I choose the WCFM – Vendor membership page instead of WCMp old page, but I cannot do that.

      How to change or redirect this tab?

    • #23929

      My site use: Wyzi business finder theme + WCMp AFM + WCFM ultimate + WCFM Group & Staff + WCFM Membership.

    • #23933
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks foe get in touch with us.

      As I understand, you are a bit confused with plugins – WCMp and WCfM

      Let me clear confusions –

      1. As you are using WCfM and it’s add-ons, WCMp AFM is not at all required, you may even uninstall and delete this.
      2. You try trying to setup vendor registration using WCfM – Membership, right?
      3. If yes, then why you are trying to create connection between WCMp default registration and WCFM Membership ?
      4. To keep the things simple, leave WCMp dashboard and registration page as it is. Don’t add any WCFM short code on those pages.
      5. Why redirection required for you, I am not very sure!
      6. Suppose in your site somewhere registration link added, now just replace that with WCFM – Membership page URL, that’s it.

      Frankly, WCMp and WCFM two are separate plugins and works differently. WCFM already has all those which creates bridge between them, don’t add anything additional for merging these to together. Most cases, it will break the things.

      Importantly, never use WCFM short code in WCMp pages and don’t set WCFM pages under WCMp page setting. Just leave WCMp pages as it is.

      If you still have any confusion please know me.

      Thank You

    • #23940

      Hi, WCfM forum

      1. Ok, I’ll uninstall WCMp-AFM.
      2. Yes, right I want to use WCFM – Membership.
      3. Cause of my theme (Wyzi business finder) show the vendor registration tab on the user account page. This tab is vendor registration from WCMp.
      5.As of No.3. On my member account page, this tab show alway. This tab comes with WCMp.
      It means this tab bring my member click and vendor subscribe in this way.
      6. Now I have the membership plan page/registration from WCFM already, but I don’t know how to create the tab on the member account page for it and delete the vendor tab from WCMp, or change the tab. Do you understand me?


    • #23942
      WCFM Forum


      OK, I understand the problem.

      You just keep all the pages as it is.

      WCMp dashboard and registration pages with their own shortcode and set at WCMp page settings.

      WCFM Dashboard and Membership pages with their own short code and keep at page setting -> WCFM Admin Setting -> WCFM Pages.

      Now then things you only required – WCMp registration will redirect to WCFM Membership pages, right?

      I will give a code for this, you just to have have that. Kindly remove your custom codes for the purpose.

      Thank You

    • #23948

      Now then things you only required – WCMp registration will redirect to WCFM Membership pages, right? Yes.

      Thank you.

    • #23981
      WCFM Forum


      Kindly add this code to your site –

      function wcfm_wcmp_registration_redirect() {
      	global $WCFM, $wp;
      	if( class_exists('WCMp') && function_exists( 'is_page_vendor_registration' ) ) {
      		if( is_page_vendor_registration() ) {
      			wp_safe_redirect(  get_wcfm_membership_page() );
      add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wcfm_wcmp_registration_redirect', 500 );

      Thank you

    • #24001

      Where should I put your code?

      Thank you.

    • #24005

      I tried putting the code in the child theme. But nothing happens.
      I don’t know where should I paste the code.

    • #24144
      WCFM Forum


      You have to add this code in child theme’s functions.php

      You may also use “Code Snippets” plugin for adding such code as well.

      Thank You

    • #24153

      I paste the code in child theme’s functions.php already but nothing happens.
      Still found the problem.

    • #24164
      WCFM Forum


      It’s not redirecting?

      Can you please add this once under main theme’s functions.php

      Please be sure, you have setup WCFM and WCMp page setting properly.

      Thank You

    • #24169

      I add the code to the main theme already but it does not redirect. Nothing happens – No effect.

      I’m sure, all setting are right and I use the default setting.
      However, I delete all plugin of WCLovers for a recheck the WCMp function and make me sure the WCMp has not any problem include the other plugin that’s OK.


    • #24201
      WCFM Forum


      We are checking this again, but we already checked that and it was working at our environment.

      Between, there is not all any conflict between WCMp and WCfM.

      Thank You

    • #24230

      Do you have a demo web for this issue?

    • #24333
      WCFM Forum


      Here is demo for the same thing –

      WCMp registration page – http://wcmp.wcfmdemos.com/wcmp_vendor_registration/

      WCfM Membership page – http://wcmp.wcfmdemos.com/vendor-membership/

      We have used the same code, provided you few days back. Added in child theme’s functions.php

      Now, try to browse WCMp Registration page and you will always redirect to WCfM Membership page.

      Between, is there any redirect in your site or it’s showing WCMp registration page?

      Thank You

    • #24625
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #24632
      WCFM Forum


      Can you allow us to do this for you?

      Frankly, I never work with this theme before so difficult to suggest exact solution from screenshot.

      Well, contact us here directly – https://wclovers.com/contact-us/

      We will help you on this over TeamViewer.

      Thank You

    • #24643

      I sent the message to you already.

    • #24983
      WCFM Forum

      This was due to theme, now resolved.

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