Refund Fees

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Viewing 4 reply threads
  • Author
    • #71401

      Can we set fee for vendor refunds? Thanks

    • #71506
      WCFM Forum

      Well, refund goes to customers. Then how this will work!

    • #71553

      When a refund is made the Paypal and Stripe .30¢ transaction fee is lost. I need to charge vendor this fee, I also want to charge extra .20¢ fee, total .50¢ refund fee, to help deter vendor bad habits such as, no/bad descriptions, vague titles, wrong prices etc.. Can you add an admin option to add fee for refunds that will deduct the charge from their account and also the refund fee appear on vendor refund page?Other options would be vendor specific if possible to set different refund fees for different vendors. Anyway just an idea

    • #72217
      WCFM Forum


      OK, we will add this option very soon.

      Thank You

    • #134526

      any update on this topic? I want to deduct client by 50% when requesting a refund request

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